Damn, This Neighborhood Is Changing: Damn, This Neighborhood Is Changing

Hair stylist Freddy Larssen has operated his hair salon for over 50 years. His neighbor Muluken Tabor, right, speaks with potential customers outside Merkata, his second-hand store, which he has owned since 2010. Muluken arrived in Norway from Ethiopia in 1997. In February 2023, he was forced to relocate his store because the landlord wanted to rent to a more upscale business.
Damn, This Neighborhood Is Changing, Grønland, Norway

Hair stylist Freddy Larssen has operated his hair salon for over 50 years. His neighbor Muluken Tabor, right, speaks with potential customers outside Merkata, his second-hand store, which he has owned since 2010. Muluken arrived in Norway from Ethiopia in 1997. In February 2023, he was forced to relocate his store because the landlord wanted to rent to a more upscale business.